Yoga for Transformation Resilience & Healing
May the space between where you are now and where you want to be inspire you.

Meet Judy
As an artist, I create beauty with joy, and find inspiration in everything. The last five years have been a journey, since my son, Josh, died. I continue to navigate grief and joy, in harmony. I AM still becoming.
Approaching life and yoga with compassion and grace, my classes are deeper and more meaningful. It's my honor to guide students to their own healing, freedom, and liberation. Breathe and receive. Embrace the magic and the mystery of it ALL. The light and the shadow. Discover your true nature.
Creating prayer beads and devotional jewelry with crystals and gemstones is my working meditation. I love to design spiritual and vibrational pieces to support you on your path. It's always amazing, when the right person finds the right piece that speaks to them.
I see life as an adventure. Tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Even so, I am happy and hopeful. I move forward, one foot in front of the other, joyfully. Ready to embrace what's to come. I do what I love, and love what I do, with gratitude.

"First you wake up to your Light.
Then you wake up to your Shadow.
Then you wake up to Your Self."
Author unknown